40 people who are very soggy, and several who are bright Lobster Red!
Attention to detail: Lego pigeons at the Lego fountain
You need to look at this one closely to see the 1,000,001 Lego bricks used in construction
The virgin Margaret is taking a donkey to Bethlehem?
Poly wants a brick-cracker
Spot the odd one out!
This is a Mosaic, of great detail
One day, Mark will grow up and stop feeding his kids to the monsters. But not any time soon.
Again very detailed little things.
Final Opinion?
The only time the kids played with any Lego was when they were in the queues for the rides. (They have some duplo bricks next to the queues, for kids to play with). We saw a lot of Lego art, we went on a variety of rides. But generally, I feel, its just another tourist trap and not so impressive (and way too hot!)
This picture sums up our overall feeling for the trip.